Friday, July 22, 2011

Gentle Giant

Today I had a small headache. I took a couple Tylenols and curled up next to Dad. I mentioned that my head hurt and he was so concerned about my comfort that he rubbed my temples and said he was sorry that I was hurting.
Later, after he tried leaving the room via his wheelchair, Uncle Tim, Mom and I tried to help him back into his bed. Dad was so exhausted by the time we got him propped up near his bed that he collapsed into Tim's arms. His breathing was shallow and rapid and he couldn't speak without studdering. With great effort (and certainly the help of some heavenly angels) we managed to get him into his bed.
When he could muster some speech, he apologized to us. His only concern was for Uncle Tim and whether or not he was okay after lifting Dad into bed.
He is always looking out for us and apologizing if he thinks he is inconveniencing us or causing us to feel emotional on his behalf.
I just pulled some homemade bread out. Dinner won't be quite ready for another hour but I gave Dad the end piece to tie him over until then. Aunt Dena's little granddaughter came in and asked her grandma if she could have some. She was told that this was Uncle Earl's and she'd have to wait. Not a minute later Dad was calling, "Kaydee!" Of course when she returned he asked if she'd like to share his bread with him.
I learned all over again today what an incredibly amazing person my father is. He truly embodies all these wonderful qualities we have been saying about him. He is selfless and kind. Caring and compassionate. A fierce warrior but a gentle giant.
I read a message he wrote to the family about five years ago; in it he said, "I wouldn't change anything unless it was working less, or being less of a grouch and maybe being more Christ like."
Oh Dad, you always worked hard to provide for our family, teaching us the value of hard work. You were only a grouch if we provoked you--which we did just a few times. And Dad, you are one of the most Christ-like people I know. We have all learned about charity and love and service and compassion through the example you live every day.
Love you Daddy!

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