Friday, November 5, 2010

More Cars, New Med and Family

Here is one of the pictures Earl mentioned in his previous post. This is the family in matching outfits made by Mom, in front of Dad's '68 Hemi Charger.

Earl picked up the car from the shop today and was able to take Dad for a short drive. They were both grinning ear to ear when they came home.

Dad started his new treatment today and so far so good. He has been super tired but other than that we haven't seen signs of bad side effects thus far (knock on wood!).

Uncle Jay and Aunt Vivian were here earlier today and our cousin Russ called to check in on Dad from North Dakota.

Most of the family was here tonight for dinner. Cute little Charlotte (Mike and Amy) was singing primary songs, chubby little Dexter (Paul and Sam) giving everyone smiles, snuggly tiny Peyton (Karen and Paul) was being passed around from Aunt to Uncle to Grandma and Grandpa, helpful Rhett Taylor (Rhett and April) happily accepting assignments to run errands and help with kiddos and sweet little Cohen (Diana and Conway) kept offering everyone kisses.

It's so wonderful to be surrounded by our fabulous family. I think we might overwhelm Dad from time to time, but he quietly closes his eyes as we talk and laugh around him. We are so grateful to be able to spend every minute possible with him.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rose Family,
    I LOVE the picture of you guys in your cute little clothes!!! You guys are such a cute family! We love you and are always thinking of you. Earl and Susie - we pray for you every day! It is such a blessing that you can all be together!
    Sandy, Robinson, and family
