Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Few, The Proud

Happy 235th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps. We are so proud to have a father who is a warrior, a hero, a soldier and a FIGHTER! His fighting spirit continues to prove true through this battle against cancer.

Whenever this commercial comes on, Dad points to the screen and asks the grandkids, "Who is that?" And they reply, "Grandpa!"
Happy Birthday to the few and the proud.


  1. thank you for your service.
    Love you,

  2. I have to say that everytime I see this picture of Earl I think gosh I always thought the boys looked like Susie but this picture shows how much of Earl they all have in them! Earl thank you for your service and keep up the good fight!

  3. Hi Earl, I have always liked that picture. I am so happy to hear you are doing so well. You are such an inspiration to me. If I could have the drive you do all would be well.
    Love ya
