Monday, November 8, 2010

Food and Festive

Last night I was afraid we wouldn't have enough food for everyone for dinner. And then Mom's Filipina friends, Teena and Emma showed up with pots of pansit and mungo beans and chicken cordon bleu and leche flan. Then Paul arrived with an enormous pot of homemade chicken & dumpling soup with homemade rolls from his sweet mother-in-law Dinah. Early this afternoon Julie Wait stopped by with two large tupperwares full of chili, a pan of cornbread, a platter of cheesecake and chips and dip. We are so grateful for the outpouring of generosity. Especially since it can feel like Grand Central Station around here most days!

When Karen and I arrived today, Mom had decorated her house for the holidays. Christmas trees, lights and nativity scenes are adorning the house. The festive atmosphere certainly adds a warm and inviting spirit to their home.

Dad continues to be in high spirits and full of life. He shows no signs of slowing down and continually amazes us with his strength and attitude. In fact yesterday he told April that he would stick around for nine months if she would promise him a new baby granddaughter.

We love our inspiring Dad and we are so grateful for his example.


  1. Way to go Earl. Sorry my kids are having all the girls. I'll tell them to share with you. I know how much you want a little girl in the house. You have Marley for now. I can hardly wait to see the house. I really don't know where Susie gets all her energy. I wish I had a tenth of it. I will be up sometime later this week. Take care. I love you. Dena

  2. Earl, I've been reading all the comments posted. You are truly blessed to have such loving family and friends!!! You can always count me in that circle! I am so impressed with your bike riding! But, then again, I've always been impressed with you... Love you dear friend, Sheila (tell Susie hi!)
