Monday, August 8, 2011

A Good Day

Mom broke open a fortune cookie the other day. Her fortune read: When you have hope, you have everything

Today has been a great day. Dad woke up around 8:30 this morning in a wonderful mood. He said he felt like he had energy and he was enthusiastic and happy. Mom was telling him about some projects she wanted to do in the yard. She mentioned that maybe Earl could help her. Dad said, "I can help you." Mom smiled and said, "OK"; and then he followed it up with, "I'll be face down in the mud, but I can help you!"

After saying good morning to me, he asked what was on my agenda for the day. When I told him my only plans were to hang out with him he was so happy.

After a while he said he missed Karen. I called her and she was here in less than ten minutes. He was so happy to see her too.

Dad had all three of his daughters and his lovely wife all to himself for a little while this morning and he was loving it.

He was awake ALL DAY TODAY! He ate an entire strawberry shake, he had some pizza, fruit, and lots of Pepsi (of course). His sweet nurse Lisa came today and was very happy with how he is doing. She asked him about his pain on a rating of mild, moderate or severe and he said it was mild! Amazing!

When the boys got home from school they were happy to see Grandpa awake and offering hugs.
Mike and Paul came over after work. Dad was still awake! He listened as we talked about "things, life and whatnot" and chimed in from time to time.
As the sun was setting he swung his legs over the side of his bed and aimed to get up. We asked where he was going and he said, "to see the sunset!" So Mike helped him into his wheelchair and we went for a walk around the neighborhood. When we got back, Mike cradled Dad in his arms and put him back in his bed.
Earl arrived from St. George about an hour ago and Dad was STILL awake! He was so happy to see his namesake and stayed awake as we sat around his bed sharing stories.

Today was a good day. I understand that we will still have bad days but I love good days like this. It's the moments we share in days like today that we will treasure forever. And it's these moments that fill me with hope.

"Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."


  1. I wish I could have been there to see it. I could use one of Earl's big hugs right now. I will try and be there on Friday, so save a good day for me! I love you all so much.

  2. Earl,
    I am so glad you had a good day yesterday. I hope and pray that you will have many more.
    I gave a talk on faith, hope and charity at Easter. I think you are a great example of all of these. In my talk I said that you are one of the most charitable men I know. When we were stuck in Utah a few years ago and couldn't get a flight out, you went and got your van fixed so that we could use it to drive home. I know there are a lot of other stories that we could all tell about how kind and loving you are.
    I love you so much and wish I could be closer. I also wish I was as good at writing as your kids are. I enjoy their posts so much and am thankful they are so good about keeping us updated.
