Saturday, April 30, 2011

Beautiful Roses

My dad is the oldest of eleven children; so we have a lot of aunts and uncles. And guess what? They are all awesome! They come from long distances to visit, they bring Dad's favorite treats, they call to check on him and they all love and respect their eldest brother. They have all been through a lot this year: losing our sweet grandmother so unexpectedly and facing the challenges of cancer in their brother. But through it all they remain close.

My Aunt Dena and Uncle Kevin just delivered a beautiful organ for dad. My Aunt Ruth and her husband Uncle Peter loaned him the bike that he has been religiously exercising on. Uncle Tim and Aunt LaWaine continuously call to see what he needs and then faithfully deliver whatever it is he orders. During my recent stay I have seen Uncle Jay and Aunt Vivian, Uncle Pete and Aunt Bona and Aunt Belva stop by to check in on him and visit. And Uncle Warren in New Jersey and Aunt Joy in Texas ring in on Skype from time to time.

When he was a candidate for a bone marrow transplant every one of his siblings stepped forward to be tested as a match.

Just today I went with Dad to Tooele where we met with all his siblings at Grandma's house. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of all these beautiful people who I love dearly.

We have such a wonderful, loving and supportive family.

Thank you so much to all my aunts and uncles for all the years of love, service and example you have shown to me and of course for being such wonderful brothers and sisters to my sweet daddy. I love you!

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