Saturday, April 30, 2011

Beautiful Roses

My dad is the oldest of eleven children; so we have a lot of aunts and uncles. And guess what? They are all awesome! They come from long distances to visit, they bring Dad's favorite treats, they call to check on him and they all love and respect their eldest brother. They have all been through a lot this year: losing our sweet grandmother so unexpectedly and facing the challenges of cancer in their brother. But through it all they remain close.

My Aunt Dena and Uncle Kevin just delivered a beautiful organ for dad. My Aunt Ruth and her husband Uncle Peter loaned him the bike that he has been religiously exercising on. Uncle Tim and Aunt LaWaine continuously call to see what he needs and then faithfully deliver whatever it is he orders. During my recent stay I have seen Uncle Jay and Aunt Vivian, Uncle Pete and Aunt Bona and Aunt Belva stop by to check in on him and visit. And Uncle Warren in New Jersey and Aunt Joy in Texas ring in on Skype from time to time.

When he was a candidate for a bone marrow transplant every one of his siblings stepped forward to be tested as a match.

Just today I went with Dad to Tooele where we met with all his siblings at Grandma's house. It was so wonderful to be in the presence of all these beautiful people who I love dearly.

We have such a wonderful, loving and supportive family.

Thank you so much to all my aunts and uncles for all the years of love, service and example you have shown to me and of course for being such wonderful brothers and sisters to my sweet daddy. I love you!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Amazing and Inspiring

Dad has looked so great for the last few days. He has color, he has a frequent smile and if not for the oxygen tube, you would have no idea how sick he is by looking at him.
I asked him hopefully if this was a reflection of things happening on the inside. Unfortunately he said no. He still has a constant pain level which hasn't improved and he is still extremely exhausted. He did say that majority of his pain was not from the cancer, but from his neuropathy. His hands hurt all the time and feel as though they are burning.
Again, despite all these challenges, he rode his bike again yesterday for five miles. Let me just add that I hopped on the bike yesterday and went seven miles; I was sweating like crazy and my buns were on fire! And I'm healthy! My dad is amazing and so inspiring.
And speaking of amazing and inspring, we have been so overwhelmed with gratitude by the outpouring of love and service shown by friends, family and members of our church. My parents' ward members have diligently provided dinner every Tuesday and Thursday night since before I arrived; they offer my parents rides to the hospital for my dad's appointments; they frequently stop by to check on them and of course the list goes on and on. And halfway across the ocean the same selfless service is being offered to my husband by my ward family and neighbors in Hawaii. They take turns watching Marley while Conway works and always ask what more they can do to help and send their love and concern to my dad.
I wish I could give a shout out to all those who have touched us with their love, service and support but the list would be a mile long. Just know that you are so appreciated and loved. It means so much to our family and especially to my sweet parents. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hanging in There

Thank you all for your concern and prayers. I think every conversation I have recently, whether on the phone, via email, via text or in person, begins with, "How's your dad?" As of late, the "{answer seems to always be, "hanging in there."
And that's exactly what he's doing. He is exhausted and has a constant pain level but every day he gets out of bed, he eats when he has no appetite and he manages to smile and have conversations with us throughout the day.
Yesterday he had two units of red blood and a unit of platelets and the doctor said that his body is holding on on it's own (meaning without the help of chemo). But this morning the nurse called and advised them to hold off on some medications because his white blood cells are droppingfast.
Again, despite it all he is hanging in there, he still has a lot of fight left in him and we are enjoying this time we get to spend with him.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Home With Daddy

I was planning on waiting until after Marley's birthday and birthday party to come home. But as Karen mentioned, after Skyping with Dad on Sunday (he looked extremely weak and tired; and was falling asleep as I was talking to him), both Conway and I agreed that I needed to come home right away.
So Cohen and I took a red-eye on Tuesday evening and arrived here in SLC on Wednesday morning (Marley's 4th birthday).
We landed at 7:30 am so my dad was still sleeping when we got home. Cohen and I both crawled into bed with him and I wrapped my arms around my sweet daddy, lay my head against his chest, and fell asleep to the sound of his precious, beating heart.
I have been so impressed with him since I've been here. He is obviously exhausted but I have seen him ride his stationary bike despite the fatigue. He has no appetite (he has lost 18 pounds since his doctor's appointment less than two weeks ago), but still forces himself to eat an orange or a sandwich at our request.
But he is in good spirits and even manages to laugh when we crack silly jokes or when Mom parades around in the new high heeled shoes he bought her for Valentine's Day.
The two of us have been enjoying one of our favorite pasttimes: watching NCIS marathons on USA together and believe it or not, he looks GREAT! If you were to come see him right now, you would agree. I like to think that my presence has been just what Dad needed this week. (I am his baby girl afterall:)
As I write this, Cohen just gave Grandpa loves and kisses and my dad just said to me over his shoulder, "I love you sweetheart; I'm so happy you're here."
I miss my daughter and husband in Hawaii so much it hurts.... But that last statement from my daddy is exactly why I am here and why it's worth it.