Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Dad had an appointment today at LDS hospital with his transplant specialist, she had the results of his bone marrow biopsy that they did two weeks ago. April, mom and I went with him. The doctor informed us that Dad's leukemia had gone into remission and that they did not see the Philadelphia chromosome. We thought that this was wonderful news, however because dad is still on oxygen and has lost so much weight and strength and can't even eat, he would most likely not make it through a transplant right now. She said that the toxins would be too much for his body to handle. April asked the doctor how long he could be in remission and gain the strength to receive the transplant and she said that he would have only months to live. Dad's insurance no longer covers a physical therapist to come to the house and work with him, but between mom and all of his kids, we are going to get him healthy enough for the transplant.

He has an appointment with his Oncologist at St. Marks on Thursday, so we will talk to her about a feeding tube so he can at least get his nourishment that way until his appetite comes back or at least where we can mention food without him getting nauseated.

When dad does receive the transplant she said that he will have a 20% chance of the leukemia being cured and without the transplant he will not make it.

We all know that dad is strong and that he has already beat the odds several times. Let's not focus on the percentages right now, but have faith and prayers that we will witness yet another miracle.

His spirits are a little low right now but we are going to do all we can to help him fight this.

Again, we love you all and appreciate the friendship, support and prayers on our father's behalf.

Please continue to pray and have faith and feel free to email him or comment on this blog and we will make sure he gets all of your messages (he loves it!)

Thanks again! Love Karen


  1. Everyone is praying for you. Everyone. Sweet sweet "Daddy"...we all love you and wish you the very best. I'm so happy to know that you have an incredible family surrounding you to buoy you up and help you fight. The Boulters are on your team too. :) Know that we are pulling for you and have you in our thoughts and prayers.

  2. Add the Frandsen's to the "pulling for Earl" list. You can fight this...YOU CAN! We are hoping and praying for all the best. Hang in there!

  3. We've only met a couple of times when you've come down to HB to visit Diana and Conway but I still think of you all often. My heart breaks for what you're all having to go through - but if any one family can get through this - it's the Rose family! You guys are amazing and have an incredible love for each other and the Lord. That's so unique and special!!! There's so many people and families out there that would give anything to have this special bond that you guys have. I hope that my little family can be as close to each other and Lord as you guys are as we grow and grow older.

    Hang in there! Miracles still happen. My friend has an 8 month of daughter who even before she was born had kidney problems (in both of her kidneys). They thought she would have to have surgery when she was 3 months old - but things progressed to a point where they could wait. Then that happened again and then again. Well the day came when they finally had to operate (yesterday). Before the operation began the Dr. decided to do another scope and was able to see that one kidney was completely normal and that the other had once again progressed to a point where they didn't have to operate yet - where as the tests they had done the week before said otherwise on both! What a blessing for them and for us to know Lord is watching over us.

    Keep the faith alive - your kids, beautiful grand kids and babies need you as well as the world!

  4. Earl-

    We hope and pray that you can feel better and gain an appetite. You and your lovely family are in our prayers.


    Nikki and Darren Harris - we are friends of Diana and Conway from Huntington Beach.

  5. Daddy,

    If I could give you a big bear hug right now, I would. But I look forward to the day that we can celebrate your triumph over this battle together. How about sitting on the beach having shave ice? Sounds great to me!

    Be strong. Continue fighting. Fight hard! You have your guardian angel beside you, an army of cheerleaders supporting you and the faith of friends and strangers sending prayers to heaven on your behalf.

    You can beat this!

    I love you.

    Semper Fi


  6. Don't give up, Daddy. Fight every day. We need you. We love you.

  7. Hi Earl,
    We are all praying for you. Even a couple of ladies at work have you on their prayer lists. I know you can pull through. Don't give up. I hope to make it out to see you sometime soon.
    Love ya,

  8. Hi Earl,
    You are such an incredible, strong man with a very loving family. Chad and I keep you in our prayers knowing that you will be better soon. Keep fighting and especially keep believing. We will all celebrate when you are feeling better. (Maybe another trip to Hawaii will be in order!)
    Much love to you and your family,
    Chad and Heidi

  9. Dear Earl,

    Do you remember when you came to Wichita and our baby was in the hospital? We ere having a terrible snowstorm. We did not know how we were going to get to our baby. After you heard about it you took matters into your own hands and it wasn’t long until you drove up and put us in your car with the chains you had just bought so you could drive. We have never ever forgotten that. You have always inspired me. Your love for your grandchildren. comes close to matching my own. You have to work a little harder to catch me on that one  I have been following you and your beautiful Susan for a long time. I love you both so much. I think it is a real shame that the next generation of the family did not really get to know each other. Like you, I have been through a lot of medical challenges. I have to tell you that only with many prayers and a ton of love that my brother David is still here. The doctors wanted to unplug him from the respirator and told us there was no chance he would ever breathe on his own again. The last four years I took care of Mama there were times I was so tired I doubted my ability to make it. She only slept a few minutes at a time and that was the sleep or rest I got as well. Never more than fifteen minute naps. I remember one particular morning I felt like I could not go on. I turned on my television and there was a minister called Joel Osteen. He is a faith based inspirational speaker. That morning I felt like everything he had to say was directed at me. I talked with the Stake President about watching him and he said he enjoyed listening to him. Try and catch him on a Sunday morning, he will leave you with the feeling there is hope and uplift you. The particular morning I was watching he simply said “you decide. “ You can be in a very bad situation but you still have the power to decide whether you will be a victim or a victor. There are many decisions you can still make. He said that even when you have to do something you hate, make a decision to enjoy it since you have to do it anyway. There is a lot more to the story He has three books out and I have read them many times through the course of trials and tribulation. He tells another story about his mother who I have come to love as well. She and Joel’s wife are in the audience each week. Joel’s Mother had cancer and wasn’t supposed to live. She pulled out every scripture she could find on faith and laughter and posted them everywhere. Then she bought every funny movie ever made and she watched them all. Between laughter and faith she went into to remission a very long time ago. She is still alive and giving so much of herself to others. I am so grateful for the Gospel and the Priesthood. I am so happy we are sealed together as families. I know the gospel is true. I really need to see you before you make a serious decision like leaving us. I hope you start with small steps until you are running a 5k. Eat peanut butter on crackers and get protein down. Pick foods for strength. . I am going to be away for the weekend but plan to call you next week. Maybe Diana could send us your phone number. I am sure you are a bit tired of me by now so I will close by telling you how awesome you are and how very much I love you. Love Carol

  10. Uncle Earl, I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since I heard the news. I wish I would have found out before my mom went up to see you so I could've went with her. I am going to try to make it over to see you this week. I am praying for you and I know that it's one of the only things that we can do right now. I love you.
    Sammie, (Samantha Cline-Dena's daughter)

  11. We continue to pray for you and your family. We know how strong you are and we believe in miracles. I know the Lord will bless you through this trial. Just keep on fighting. We love you!

  12. Hi Earl and Susie,
    I think about you guys and our sweet Melissa all the time. I pray for you everyday. It is so hard to go through these trials with someone you know let alone 2 someones. I haven't heard a lot about what is going on with you and I am not happy with this last message on your blog page. I am not happy with the latest news about our Melissa either. She just got over pneumonia and now she has sepsis. It seems like neither of you can get a break right now. She has been in the hospital now for 160 days. Almost all of them in intensive care. They took her outside 2 weeks ago so that she could feel the sun on her face for the 1st time since she went into the hospital on Dec 6th. She said it was so wonderful. Then on Mothers Day when Mark got there with the boys to see her they took her outside again. She was so happy. Such a small thing that we take for granite, she was so thrilled about. I am sure that you feel the same way. It is so different being on the receiving end of generous people instead of on the giving end as I know that you and Melissa and our families have been in the past. I will continue to pray for you each night. Earl keep up the fight. Those grandbabies and your own kids still need you to be here and comfort them. I love you guys.

  13. Dad,
    I am so glad that we have been able to spend so much time together. You are are my hero.
    I love you. Apes
