Thursday, July 15, 2010

Lookin' Good!

Dad went to another appointment at the Cancer Center today and the doctor was very happy with his progress. He weighed in at a whopping 201 pounds... YAY!!! He looks so good and he sounds good and besides being weaker than normal and not able to leave the house except to see the doctor, he seems like my old dad again! It's so great to hear him laugh and see him eat and though he has a long road ahead, we know that because of all of your faith and prayers he is doing as great as he is.


  1. Thanks Karen for the update. I have been checking the blog and wondering how he is doing.
    Love you guys

  2. Oh Dad, what a wonderful post to read! I am so glad to hear that you've broken the 200 mark. And even more glad to hear that you are laughing. I miss you so much and hope to see you here in Hawaii as soon as you are all better. Marley continues to pray for you every night as do Conway and I and countless others.

    SHMILY, Nan
